A Model To Study The Effect Of Boiling On Water Borne Bacterial Diarrheal Agents


This simple and easy study was conducted to trace out the actual temperature and time period to get rid of pathogenic bacteria from the water sample simply by boiling method. There is no perfect scientific basis yet exists from the search of literature regarding effect of boiling on water borne pathogens. Four common water borne pathogens were selected (Salmonella typhi, Shigella. dysenteriaeVibrio cholerae, and Escherichia. coli), artificially contaminated the samples and were subjected to 40oC, 60oC, 80oC and 100oC various temperatures. The result findings indicate that all four pathogens survived till 10 minutes at 40oC. However; two bacterial cultures i.e S. typhi and V. cholerare (105cfu/ml) survived at 60oC in 5 minutes but not in 10 minutes. None of the growth of four pathogens were observed in rest of the exposure of temperature at 80oC and 100oC. It concludes that absolute eradication can be achieved at 80oC and therefore, boiling of water is quite safe for human consumption.