This study was conducted to investigate flora of the Huzurlu Plateau in Gaziantep located in the south-east Anatolia region of Turkey. For this aim, during the floristic surveys of the Huzurlu Plateau in Gaziantep province of the Turkey, 715 species of 331 genera belonging to 85 family were recorded. Of all the collected specimens, 29 and 91 taxa were found to be rare plants and endemic, respectively, for Turkey. According to IUCN categories, 2 were Critically Endangered (CR) and 10 were Endangered (EN) of total 12 taxa recorded in this study area, besides, 101 taxa (84%) for Gaziantep and 32 taxa (26%) were new records for C6 grid square of the collected endemic and rare plants. As a result, this is the first study of investigating the flora of the Huzurlu Plateau in Gaziantep province, at the south-east Anatolia region of Turkey.