Methods For The Preparation Of Recipes And Its Uses For Curing Different Diseases Reported From District Bannu


In the present study 47 recopies belonging to 44 genera, and 34 families were studied. Plant name, constituents, preparation method, frequency distribution and recipes multifunctional nature were given in methodical manner. The local population had good knowledge about the medicinal plant and appropriate time of collection. Younger generation is disregard about indigenous uses of different medicinal plants, but the old inhabitants still acquires knowledge about how to use the wild resources. The plants use for abdominal pain were Aloe vera, Chenopodium murale, Foeniculum vulgare, Lepidium sativaumPortulaca oleraceaeMentha longifolia, Menthe viridisPapaver someniferum, Punica protopunicaRumex hestatusThymus sarphylum and  Verbescum thapsus. Some were used as tonic like Acacia modestaCalotropis proceeraOlea ferruginea, Zathoxylum armatum, Melia azedarach, Tribulus terrestris, Vitex negundo, and Teucrium stocksianum, while other were used against diarhoea i.e Punica protopunica, Verbascum thapsus, Quercus incana, Plantago lanceolata, Pinus roxurghii, Papver somniferum, Myrtus cummunis and Mentha longifolia were commonly used plants. For body cooling Adiantum capallis veneris, Ajuga breteosaCichorium intybusPortulaca oleraceaeNasturtium officinale, Pistacia integerrima and Tribulus terrestris were frequently used. Similarly plants used as expectorant were Justacia adhatodaCalotropis proceraPinus roxburghii, and Zyziphus sativa, while plants used as antispasmodic were Justacia adhatodaBerberis lycium and Datura stramonium, the plants used as jaundice were Berberis lyciumCichorium intybusNasturtium officinale, Pistacia integerrima, and Teurium stocksianum, while Verbascum thapsusZizphus sativa, and Salvia moorcrotiana were used as emollient. The vegetation of the area was found to be under high biotic pressure such as deforestation and overgrazing. Ruthless collection of medicinal plants had threatened their existence and more plants are becoming vulnerable due to the destruction of their habitat.