Regulatory Compliance And Standard Laboratory Tests Can Potentially Improve The Public Health And Food Safety


Identification and handling of the food spoilage, food illness and food borne pathogens is a potential risk. That is continuously challenging the food experts, businesses owners and authorities. Subsequently, the manufacturing, supplying and distribution of finished food products become a crucial task and need constant check at every step. Thus, the standard laboratory testing may potentially assure the safety and efficacy of semimanufactured foods, edible ingredients, and finished products. Particularly, it helps to equip the industry with most current methods and high-level IT developed cutting edge technology.  That simultaneously protects the manufacturer and consumers by complying with food
safety standards. [2] Hence, the food and health expert are constantly working to review and update the blueprints of food microbiology testing. That is important to meet the requirement of the indigenous food and health standards. Whereas, the nutrition and composition analysis also offer the retailers, importers and manufacturers to understand and tackle the raised concerns. That may include the testing of nutrients, vitamins and other constituents of all range of food product destined for human consumption i.e. additives, excipients, preservatives, color, flavor etc.
Thus, our local government official always encourages the local Canadian businesses to adopt the current art of technology, conduct accurate and timely examination of food. The food and nutrition tests should be performed under ISO/IEC 17025 accredited institutions under accredited and rigorous quality management system.