Solanum tuberosum is the botanical name of the potato. Globally, the consumption of potatoes is increasing with time because of composed wide nutrients range. The flesh of potato is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, B9 and numbers of trace elements, which is a necessary part of the diet and plays a functional role to maintain the human body. Ascorbic acid and potato colorant, carotenoids including lutein, zexanthin, and violaxanthin act as antioxidants that aid to improve the oxidative stress in human cells. Chlorogenic acid and anthocyanins are phenolic compounds present in potato skin in the form of phenolic acids. Both antioxidants and phenolic compounds have ability to suppress cancer cells and improve heart health by lower the risk of B.P and hypertension. The current review has been conducted on the nutritional composition and health benefits of potato.