Hypercholesterolemia is related to high level of blood cholesterol level (> 200mg/dl). A number of factors can assist to increase the blood cholesterol levels like unhealthy food, physical inactivity, genetics, some medications etc. Increased blood cholesterol levels initiate the inflammation process by enhancing oxidation stress at chondrocytes, alter the activities of antioxidant enzymes and overwhelm the mitochondrial oxidative stress defiance. Chondrogenic differentiation and proper functioning of condrocytes both depends on cholesterol. Abnormality regarding cholesterol homeostasis at chondrocytes can leads the apoptosis of cells due to the accumulation of cholesterol and fatty acids at the outer layer of the cartilage. Mitochondrial abnormal functionality at chondrocytes shows aptotic genes like (bax,bak,bid) at knee cells that causes the cell death and autophagy naturally because abnormal cells seems to the human body as impaired and this type of cell death remains irreparable. Increased oxidative stress leads to the enhanced subcondral done dysfunction, synovial inflammation, cartilage degradation while decrease in matrix synthesis. Bilateral osteoarthritis is strongly related with obesity than unilateral osteoarthritis. Anti-inflammatory foods are encouraged than inflammatory foods because they have ability to quench the free radicals and to lower the cholesterol levels.