Welcome to Consortium E-Journals Publishing Services Canada

OUR CORE PRACTICE: Guidelines, Standards, Policies and Protocols
Consortium Publisher has adopted the core practices and policies for our journals to comply with the highest possible level of publication standards. Our journals have a clearly described the process for handling such cases. However we also brought the attention of our team of experts including the editors, reviewers, authors and managers to maintained highest level publication ethics. Therefore, we take seriously any kind of ethical, scientific and/ or technical allegations pre-publication and/or post-publication.
Creative Commons CC NC:
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International Public License
This license is the most restrictive of Creative Common six main licenses, only allowing others to download our works and share them with others as long as they credit us, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially. By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), we accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License ("Public License"). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, we are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of our acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants we such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.
Licensing: Consortium Publisher use Creative Commons licenses to show our readers how our content can be used. In some cases, we can grant exception in usage and licensing if it is broadly equivalent to one of the Creative Commons permission. We have adapted the terms of a Creative Commons license. Creative Commons states clearly that 'For the avoidance of doubt, where Exceptions and Limitations apply to Your use, this Public License does not apply'.
Copyright: Our journals allow authors to retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions. Authors may grant non-exclusive publishing rights to publish the articles. Granting the right of first publishing also qualifies as unrestricted copyright. So, our open access journals do not restrict the rights of the author to fair use only. Further reading and examples are available at DOAJ News Service
Guidelines, Policies and Protocols
Additionally, we tried our best to include and highlight the cases of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) along with the advices, guidelines for day-to-day practice. We introduce different training modules and education events precisely to help our teams of expert to comply with the defined criteria and given standards. COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) has also given the protocols, policies and guidelines as under,
- Allegations of misconduct
- Authorship and contributorship
- Complaints and appeals
- Conflicts of interest
- Data and reproducibility
- Ethical oversight
- Intellectual property
- Journal management
- Peer review processes
- Post-publication discussions
Allegations of misconduct: Consortium Publisher has a clearly process for handling such allegations. However they are brought to the journal's editorial attention to avoid its repetition. (Allegations of misconduct | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics)
Complaints and appeals: Consortium Publisher has procedure regarding the process for handling the complaints and appeals. Our staff, editorial board and management work seriously to handle such issue as per given guidelines. Complaints and appeals | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
Conflicts of interest / Competing interests: We also handle the conflicts of interest of authors, reviewers, editors and management as per guidelines of COPE. Conflicts of interest / Competing interests | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
Data and reproducibility: Consortium Publisher has included the policies on data availability and usage of information, reports of registration of clinical trials and other study designs according to standard practice in respective discipline. Data and reproducibility | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
Ethical oversight: We implement the policies for the publication consent on vulnerable populations, ethical approval of studies to conduct research on animals, human volunteers, handling the confidential data and ethics of business/marketing practices. Ethical oversight | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
Intellectual property: Consortium Publisher has clearly described the intellectual property include copyright and publishing licenses. Any costs associated with publishing should be obvious go to authors and readers. However, the constituted plagiarism and redundant/ overlapping publication are clearly specified. Intellectual property | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
Journal management: Regarding the journal management a well-described and implemented infrastructure is established including the business model, policies, processes and software for efficient running of an editorially independent. An efficient management, trained editorial boards and publishing staff work to run and operate the journals. Journal management | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
Peer review processes: We have the transparent and well managed peer review process. The training, guidelines and virtual coaching provided for editors and reviewers to improve the overall quality of publication. Moreover the policies on diverse aspects of peer review are introduced and implemented in proper manner. Peer review processes | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
Post-publication discussions and corrections: We also allow the communication post publication to illustrate the mechanisms for correcting, revising or retracting of articles after publication. Post-publication discussions and corrections | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics